Monday, October 27, 2008


How is this possible? This semester I'm homeschooling my three energetic kids, taking 13 upper-level credit hours, and working part-time (writing). But that's not enough, right? No, I'm also getting ready to take the GRE and apply to grad school, I've started a cat rescue (thank goodness non-profit paperwork still doesn't hold a candle to DIY divorce paperwork), I'm writing all the lessons for the UU Sunday school and am responsible for recruiting teachers if I don't want to teach all the classes myself, I'm getting the kids to story time and homeschool group every week (the homeschool group I started is 3 years old now!), I'm still volunteering at the animal shelter,
I'm cultivating friendships (and they are blossoming nicely), I'm incredibly informed about the election (more than ever before in my life) and have already mailed in my ballot, and I recently realized that I've been a single mom for almost 4 years already.

Marian is almost 9 and is growing on the inside every day. She thinks a lot, has an incredible vocabulary, a wicked sense of humor, and a deep love for humorous poetry. Leo is 6.5 and is developing his photography skills (on the sly), is an excellent masseuse, and an avid debater. Sophie is turning five this week and is crazy smart but not academic, incredibly sneaky, funnier than hell, and she pulled a kitten into the bathtub with her today. The three of them are amazing little people and I am honored to spend my days with them and share my life with them.

Now, to lighten things up...

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures


  1. Thanks for the update Whit. I love hearing about your family!

  2. I can bring home the bacon,
    Fry it up in a pan,
    And nevah, nevah, nevah let you
    Forget you're a (wo)man...

    Superwoman, know how much you're admired!


Say what's on your mind!