1. Does someone love you?
2. What color is your couch?
Right now it is covered with a king-sized comforter in fall colors. Under everything, the upholstery is seventies gold with large images of fruit and birds.
3. Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone famous?
Yes, but they couldn't place me so they never said anything about it.
4. Are you named after a grandparent?
My middle name, yes.
5. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?
What kind of drug test?
6. Are you taller than 5'6"?
7. When was the last time you were disappointed?
Saturday morning, because my kids were disappointed.
8. Ever seen a dead body?
9. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
My sister.
10. What did you do yesterday?
Alone time in the morning, quick chat with friends in the afternoon, snuggly TV time with kids watching tattoo shows, a nap with Leo, time at the animal shelter.
11. What’s the first thing you would do with five million dollars?
Pay off my student loans.
12. What nationalit(ies) are you?
English, Irish, Native American. American Mutt.
13. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend?
Nothing comes here, so I'm grateful to have spent so many years in Austin, Texas, the live music capital of the world. I was able to fill up and see more shows in those years than many do in a lifetime.
14. Who’s the last person that you felt was stalking you?
15. What’s your zodiac sign?
16. Where do you spend most of your money?
Grocery store.
17. On what do you spend most of your energy?
18. Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends?
19. What are you doing in 2008?
Hopefully more of the same.
20. What’s your favorite Disney movie?
Is Shrek Disney? Because I love the kickass princesses in Shrek the Third.
21. Have you cried today?
No, but I cried yesterday. And the day before.
23. What is your ringtone?
ring ring. ring ring. ring ring.
24. What is the wallpaper on your mobile phone?
one of my kids. I alternate them.
25. Name twenty five bloggers you read that you’d like to learn twenty five things about.
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