Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Solstice!


Monkey Boy

He just shimmied right up that post.

Add Karaoke

And a sister for a duet


He really misses trees.

And to think I used to worry I'd be overprotective.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I see you.

oct 2010

A Great Read

For anyone who has been, is, or may be a counselor, and those who have been, are, or may be clients, or those who are just interested. This is the text for one of my courses this semester, and it is an amazing read.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Goodbye, Helen

Several years ago, a blind cat landed in the animal shelter with a litter of kittens. Nobody realized she was blind until her kittens were all adopted and she was on her own. Once the shelter head honchos found out, they said she had to be gone by the end of the day or she would be euthanized.

I was the one who noticed her vision issues, and I took her home that day. Here she is at the shelter just before she came home with me.

Helen fit right in at our house, and was always the sweetest little soul. Her fur was so plush she felt like a Gundt teddy bear, and she was never mean to anyone of any species. Once she got out in town and was missing for 3 weeks, and then suddenly appeared one night as though she had never been gone. Even in sillouette, I knew it was her, because her tail was almost touching the back of her head like it always did when she was beyond happy. I remember those tears of joy when I saw her distinctive shape.

Here she is the night of her return:


Fast forward a few years, a few lovely years of sweet Helenhood. Years of joy and light and utter sweetness.

Helen developed an acute case of pancreatitis, diagnosed this past Monday. Last night we had an intense little love-fest and I felt her telling me goodbye, in spite of the fact that she was kneading in pleasure, pushing her cheek against my hand, and meowing at me with no voice. She was herself--happy and sweet and affectionate until the end, and left us with grace and dignity this morning.


Goodbye, Helen. Thank you for coming into my life. I wasn't with you when you came into this world, but I was with you when you left. I am honored. I love you.


(The song we sing at critter funerals)

Fur and feather and scales and skin,
Different without but the same within,
Many of body but one the soul,
By all creatures are the gods made whole.

--Circle Round

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wolves and Wolf-Dogs

More from our encounters with the critters from Wolfwood Refuge.

Wolf-dog Bronte:


Wolf-dogs Pan and Echo (1/2 wolf, 1/2 husky)
Photobucket Photobucket

And my favorite, full 100% wolf, Ra.



Kids and Wolves

Wolfwood Refuge brought their wolves and wolf-dogs to a nearby town this weekend, and the little kids had a chance to love on many wolf-dogs and learn more about wolves from the educational talk. Wolfwood Refuge has 77 wolves and wolf-dogs altogether.

With Trinity, a wolf-dog with half wolf, half Malamute:




With Bronte, another wolf-dog. This dude is huge!




With Willow, another wolf-Malamute, a giant lap dog:

Red-headed Lions



(The boy's wild locks are resisting taming.)

Kool-Aid Head



Mix one packet of kool-aid with just enough conditioner to form a paste. Saturate hairs of choice, and keep covered for several hours or overnight. Rinse and done!