"It ain't an easy job."
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Today I had some fantastic quality time with a giant spirit trapped in a small boy's body. Snuggling, wrestling, laughing, talking, gazing, massaging, and intense sharing of love and energy. Quite an incredible soul. I'm honored to know him and call him son.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Believe it or not
But there is something in the air--the San Luis Valley's first and only TV station! TV at home is new to me, so I've been out of the loop, but this came as a pleasant surprise. Check out a sample:
Welcome to Earth, little ones
Glad to be here, I am. Yes, I am.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Shower the People You Love With Love
You can play the game and you can act out the part
Though you know it wasnt written for you
But tell me, how can you stand there with your broken heart
Ashamed of playing the fool
One thing can lead to another; it doesnt take any sacrifice
Oh, father and mother, sister and brother
If it feels nice, dont think twice
Just shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
You can run but you cannot hide
This is widely known
And what you plan to do with your foolish pride
When youre all by yourself alone
Once you tell somebody the way that you feel
You can feel it beginning to ease
I think its true what they say about the squeaky wheel
Always getting the grease.
Better to shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna be just fine if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Youll feel better right away
Dont take much to do
Sell you pride
They say in every life
They say the rain must fall
Just like pouring rain
Make it rain
Make it rain
Love, love, love is sunshine.
Oh yes
Make it rain
Love, love, love is sunshine
Yeah, all right
Everybody, everybody
Shower the people you love with love
The Birthday Girl
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Song From my Very Favorite CD
Picking favorite music is hard for me, but it's clear to me that my Sharon Burch CD is my favorite. It's my comfort music, my feel good music, my soothing music, my everything music.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Boat Float experiment
M got really into hers and made an aluminum 3-bench canoe with two double oars. She's fashioning the second double oar in this pic.
All the boats floated, and the kids were thrilled!
Skats and Hates. Er, Hats and Skates.
The ice skater.
L's hat is now one of his most prized possessions and I just love him in it! This was also his first time ice skating and he did just fabulous!
With some help from big sis.
Big sis trying not to get pulled over by little bro.
S had her first skating, too, and did very well, but I don't have pictures of her on the ice. She loves her Moby hat!
My camera takes only brief videos and I thought it would cut off before it did. But here is Marian skating. Let's see if this works.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Soulful Sunday
Gus hums. Yes, Gus the dog. You know, the one with the doggie diaper and backyard anti-digging collar. He hums.
I seem to attract odd animals into my life with almost supernatural regularity. Too bad I can't put that on my resume.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
When I grow up...
INFP Career Matches
INFPs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Dreamer/Visionary personality.
Church Worker
Educational Consultant
Employee Development Specialist
Fashion Designer
Graphic/Web Designer
Holistic Health Practitioner
Human Resources
Legal Mediator
LibrarianMassage Therapist
Physical Therapist
ResearcherSocial Scientist
Social Worker
Speech Pathologist
Video Editor
I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I don't think I need to know now. My path is long and winding with lots of scenic bypasses (and the odd road bump or armadillo to add interest), and that's how I like it. At this time, I see no need to commit myself to one profession for the rest of my life. I want to do a bit of everything.
I had to write a 2-3 page essay on "My Plans After Graduation" for my pre-professional seminar course (for my Sociology degree). It was freakin' hard. I'll go to grad school then float around at whatever (mostly work-at-home) jobs fit into our homeschooling life, utilizing my degree as much as possible. It just doesn't take 3 pages to say that. I stretched it into almost two, though.